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Specific Brand is a new concept for meta-humor in clothing.  Shirts that say "pants", hoodies and bags that say "pop culture reference" or "my favorite sports team is the best sports team," etc.  -- you get the idea.  It's goofy, inclusive, original humor that doesn't take itself too seriously, so you can bring a little light-heartedness into your world.

The idea for a parody "designer brand" of shirts came from a random joke we were kicking around for no reason at dinner one night, watching tourists mill around the waterfront (we live in the DC area). We couldn't help but notice the array of fashion statements being made, and started joking around about how great it would be if people could convey these messages a little more... directly. ⁠⁠

From there we spent the drive home making each other laugh with more and more random funny t-shirt ideas. It was just a joke at first. But then, for the fun of taking a joke too far, Specific Brand was born.⁠⁠

p.s. We love bunnies, so a portion of all proceeds go to bunny rescue. ⁠